Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You know it must be winter....

Well, it got cold. Just a tiny little bit of snow, but temps down in the 20's, my landlord called this afternoon to ask us to open the kitchen sink under cabinet because it's supposed to get down to 17 tonight. Ass! ( not her, the situation, you're right, Shan, it does seem like you're talking about the person sometimes...). Anyway, in preparation for the weather, we had plastic put on the windows- thanks casey!-that's about it. Bring it, winter, we're ready. Oh, ya and I put my car in the garage. Exciting, I know. 

 The holidays have officially hit, S and I discovered this on Monday at Limbo, the produce store down the street that shares it's parking lot with Trader Joe's. It was packed on Monday at 12:30 pm. Seriously? After circling and while parking on the street, the realization hit us that it was Thanksgiving week. Duh. And we were going to the grocery store like a bunch of dummies. Successfully expensive trip, after which I swore I wasn't going back till Friday.  

 Then today, even though it only snowed a few tablespoons, I gave myself a snow day. In bed till noon, lazed around for hours, then decided I needed a project. Back to the store, cooking, canning, wine drinking. And now more homework, yay!
Oh, ya, I almost forgot......

That's right folks.... good luck ever getting me out of bed again....

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