Friday, May 20, 2011

The Great Garden Pants Off!

Ben and I have entered a new stage of our lives this last week- as urban farmers. It is also a bit of a friendly competition, one he refers to as "Plants for Pants" and I have chosen to call "Pants for Plants". We are peacefully agreeing to disagree on that one. The gist of it is, who ever's plants are more bountiful, gets new pants bought for them by the other. Why pants? At this point, i can't really remember how that started but it is what it is. Pants for Plants. We had a giant shopping and planting day monday, followed by the first bbq of the season.

Farmer Ben!

Our friend Pete helping Ben change the music

A chair I made with a cutting board!


Ben is growing tomatoes, peppers, herbs, lettuce, and beans. I am growing tomatoes, kale, peas, lettuce, carrots, and strawberries. I'm not exactly sure how the bounty will be measured, or compared for that matter, but we will certainly have lots of veggies to eat! My prediction is that Ben will end up buying pants, but for  himself, he needs them more than I do...

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